Wow, kudos.
I've always been interested in claymation... It's very well done and very funny :)
I liked it, 10/10
Wow, kudos.
I've always been interested in claymation... It's very well done and very funny :)
I liked it, 10/10
Thanks! :D
Your flash was awesome though. I'll keep the tradition up -it was EPIC.
True dat. :D
Yayness. Great! And I haven't heard from LF in forever man!
I lol'd.
Well, very true advice... Funny... Original... But you HAD to include a penis. So that lowers one star.
xD But kudos. You're a VERY good artist. :)
Alrighty boys.
I have good a good comments, and bad comments. Let's get the bad out of the way first, shall we?
Bad: Too long, audio sounded akward, and I'm pretty sure you all could have animated some parts better.
Good: Hilarious, I loved the jokes. You guys replicated Blockhead, Bitey and all the others awesomely. Drawings were pretty good. Overall, I liked it... Pretty creative, I'm suprised nobody else thought of this idea.
Congrats on the front page! :) And thanks for the laugh.
Thanks, man. We appreciate the constructive review!
This is great.
You're a very inspiring animator. I love everything you do.
Keep it up. Simply amazing.
Very cute
I appreciated the work you went through for your animation. I went through aboutthe same amount, I've been working since september on it but it only made page 3. It sucks, yes. But anyways, great job, the hamster is very cute ! <3
You say you're a NOVICE? Are you kidding me? I only wish I could animate as great as that. I have two submissions on newgrounds, and if you're a novice, that would make me a hobo at animation xD. Ok anyways, this was amazing, I love how everything flows. If there's one thing about this animaton I wish I could master, I wish it could be how you made it look so smooth.
Absolutely amazing
Alright im guilty...
I laughed my ass off at the end with the shyguy for some reason. I really shouldn't have laughed that hard. But I did.
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Age 36, Female
Jefferson Community College
Goshen, KY
Joined on 6/6/06