Mediocre at best...
So let's start off by saying this is nowhere near as good as the first two.
The first one was amazing.
The second one was pretty damn good.
This one... Really really sucks. Big time. I'm giving you 3 stars because some of the animation was impressive.
The pros of this animation are: Some of the voice acting was pretty good. It was believable in a few places. The snake part was well animated. The music transitioning was good. For anybody who hasn't seen the first two, I'm sure they'll get a laugh out of it.
The cons are: The sound was awful. Some of the art made me want to kill myself. Some of the animations were horrible. Obviously nowhere near as good as the first two. I didn't smile once through the entire thing, and I laugh at just about everything - so the jokes were just disgusting. The gay jokes should have been used ONCE.
The bad outweighs the good unfortunately in this situation.
I hope you discontinue this series before things get just plain sad.
Either that or get the funny people back.