Lmao great stuff!
I laughed so hard at the shoe part. Interesting choice of animating. Great job all together!
Lmao great stuff!
I laughed so hard at the shoe part. Interesting choice of animating. Great job all together!
Never seen the show but my bf watches it religiously. The flash was hilarious, but a bit disturbing. I will leave on a positive note XD
Be sure to show it to him then! >:] (And see if you can guess the point where his mind breaks.)
Had it's flaws
But then again what animations don't?
The actual graphics weren't all that great. I did like the Aritha Franklin joke, but it dragged on too long. The beginning was boring to say the least. Interesting concept, though. I liked the economy part. Good job on emphasizing Aretha Franklins features though, that was the part that I lol'd at.
I would see that over and over and OVER again!
I can alphabet on it.
Original, funny.
You spelled 'proving' wrong.
Something you'd see on Adult Swim
Great job guys, this is awesome.
It reminded me of Home Movies with a twist of Mission Hill. Haha, it was funny, you're a really great animator! Voice acting was perfect and crisp, and the jokes were original and hilarious.
Although this has been done before a million times, and the jokes were horrible, it somehow managed to get on the front page.
Now your animating skills are great, I like how the characters flail around humourously, that's the only thing I thought was funny.
The music was really great, linkcrazy is a great remixer and you used the music in good places.
I really didn't like how Navi constantly repeating lines from other animations, such as the Real Legend animations, and her voice was too fast and ambiguous.
I honestly don't think this deserves front page, but congrats anyways.
Good job.
LMAO the ending..
Very well animated,
I was waiting for the ending and when I saw it I laughed.
That fit so well... It was funny.
Great disturbing factors and such, great job xD
Very nice!
The only reason I'm counting off is because of the animation, it was a bit clunky some of the time, but GREAT voices, great characters, AWESOME Jokes and just in time for Halloween. You did awesome! :)
BTW what was the framerate?
Thanks for the compliments! The framerate is 24 fps but I did almost all the animation on 2s (for the most obvious reason... time) but I didn't set the framerate at 12fps for two reasons: one is that I used an AS camera and when the scene called for a quick camera movement... I needed it on 1s. the other is that I rotated between 2s and 3s with Dracula to give his animation a rhythm like his sing-song accent. Hope that answers your question
OMG that's awesome
what happened to your eye?
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Age 36, Female
Jefferson Community College
Goshen, KY
Joined on 6/6/06