Oh, god. I love this so much. This is amazing. Please, take my hand in marriage D: xD
Oh, god. I love this so much. This is amazing. Please, take my hand in marriage D: xD
I love being positive about everything I see but eh...
Nice...DK level immitation? D:
Hmmm. It's interesting, I looked up anything I could find about Gaiaonline on newgrounds (cause Gaia is my obesession) and this was what popped up. It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but I'll give you props - you can animate pretty well. Work on the style and the sound, maybe even the humor >> but overall it wasn't a kill to me. xD Nice Final Fantasy touch too.
~_Nami_Oki_~ <-My Gaia name if anybody wants a friend. =D
Normally, I appreciate and adore humor like this but it was a bit over the top if you ask me. o_O
I'm a big fan of Legendary Frog, and I love these series. I finally found it on newgrounds so now I get to review! Love the characters, love the humor, and love the pie! <3 Keep doin what you all do best, making flash animations!
XD I love this... I finally found it!
I've been searching for this everywhere... I finally found it here and can review it! =D I love this... Zell's my favorite videogame character ever ever ever and his personality in this completely fit it. I loved it so much xD Keep doing more!
This will never EVER get old.
Final Fantasy, being the "only RPG for me", will never die out, and this song completely proves it. I love everything about it, especially the original lyrics using Odeka de Chocobo <3 Amazing animation, and amazing artwork. Legendary frog is my favorite team of animators, keep up the good work and the spirit of Final Fantasy!
Wow. O_O
I love you, marry me. xD This is honestly one of the best Flash Movies out there. I thought it was hilarious all the way through, it was animated well, the voices were pretty awesome and all around a great Final Fantasy experience.
Yahho watashi wa kattaze! I'm going to be saying that for a long time now >D
Funniest Zelda spoof I've seen...
I loved it. 'Nuff said. xD
Well, I really like the way it's animated and the jokes- it's my kind of humor. Very well put together, continue working with what you have!
Very nice, I liked a lot of it except when the narrator came in ><... It kinda made it go downhill. But I liked it nonetheless. Very nicely animated. =D
Add me to MSN- Twilitelitehouse@hot mail.com, www.myspace.com/twil itelitehouse
Age 36, Female
Jefferson Community College
Goshen, KY
Joined on 6/6/06