I just realized...
Where are all the girls!? Haha. I hadn't realized that nobody in the NG staff is a girl :'(. I'd work for NG! xD
Great job everyone! You all are very talented! And Josh, you've inspired a lot of people!
I just realized...
Where are all the girls!? Haha. I hadn't realized that nobody in the NG staff is a girl :'(. I'd work for NG! xD
Great job everyone! You all are very talented! And Josh, you've inspired a lot of people!
Their where a couple girls, but they didn't reply to my PM's so... Yeah
Thanks, I'm glad I can inspire people, it's a great feeling ~JKA
It was alright. I agree, the voice acting was great, but the Flash needs work. Overall nice submission - especially to NG, you're bound to get some fans with this humor xD.
Thanks, I wouldn't mind the fans of the humor for sure, but my main goal is to use what I make in flash for my school projects. Actually, now that I think of it, NG has been kinder then the administration. In any event, thanks for the review! :D
Short, simple, and beautiful.
The animation style is very subtle, it's amazing what kinds of emotions are brought out by these things.
I'm sure Eileen will/would be pleased to see this.
My boyfriend needs to start making ME flashes, lol.
All joking aside, great frame by framing.
Absolutely touching. <3
5/5, 10/10
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, thx for the review, but... well... yeah.
Don't listen to everyone who gives less than an 8.
I thought it was adorably drawn, and I've loved avenue q for a while now (and the Super Smash series) so of course I'm going to absolutely love it.
SO funny, great idea, fresh concept, and it has NOTHING to do with the assumption song. This is so awesome, I would love to see more from you!
Congrats on the front page, GREAT job!!!
...Pit :( My loooove! D:
Thanks XD I love Pit too <3
Never seen the show but my bf watches it religiously. The flash was hilarious, but a bit disturbing. I will leave on a positive note XD
Be sure to show it to him then! >:] (And see if you can guess the point where his mind breaks.)
Very nice!
The only reason I'm counting off is because of the animation, it was a bit clunky some of the time, but GREAT voices, great characters, AWESOME Jokes and just in time for Halloween. You did awesome! :)
BTW what was the framerate?
Thanks for the compliments! The framerate is 24 fps but I did almost all the animation on 2s (for the most obvious reason... time) but I didn't set the framerate at 12fps for two reasons: one is that I used an AS camera and when the scene called for a quick camera movement... I needed it on 1s. the other is that I rotated between 2s and 3s with Dracula to give his animation a rhythm like his sing-song accent. Hope that answers your question
OMG that's awesome
what happened to your eye?
That was really stupid.
you're really stupid. everyone click the little 'abusive' button.
Not funny. Annoying. Stupid.
Please make something worth our time?
you are ugly and fat, your time is worth nothing.
Add me to MSN- Twilitelitehouse@hot mail.com, www.myspace.com/twil itelitehouse
Age 36, Female
Jefferson Community College
Goshen, KY
Joined on 6/6/06