I forgot to tell you a black Luma has blue eyes.
Add me to MSN- Twilitelitehouse@hot mail.com, www.myspace.com/twil itelitehouse
Age 36, Female
Jefferson Community College
Goshen, KY
Joined on 6/6/06
I forgot to tell you a black Luma has blue eyes.
Howdy. Looking forward to your flash with Dark Otaku, i saw the starfish one and it was charming. Also I think my nose is bleeding. Bye.
Thank you! XD *gives a tissue?*
I know the black Luma's name! He's called Polari
Cool! :D Thanks!
whew, you're so hot that I'm sweatin' an ocean!!!!
Lmao thank you?
Sorry about tha innapropriate comment. I can see why you think I'm a lammo. (I really needed that.)
Lol I don't think you're a lame-o. I love cheesy pick up lines. xD It made me laugh.
Aww, thanks 4 cheerin' me up. I needed that, cause mario beatme up 2-day.
I LOVE luma's. I think I'll make a new account, and have the theme 2 it: Luma. Like, I could B Polari......just a thought. wadda you think........pretty lame, huh? Or I have been wrong B4
the commercial:
you seemed interested in the commercial I reffered to, so I thought I would summarize it
it was some sort of public service announcement, the whole thing was narrorated in the third person, like a book
the commercial had a little girl throwing starfish back into the water
a man walks up to her and says "why are you doing that? There are too many of them, you can't possibly make a difference
and the girl throws a starfish back into the water and says " I did make a difference, to that one"
I think the commercial is based off of the same stary your flash was based off of
the message must have stuck for me to remember the whole thing after all this time
also, I LOL'd at "wtf man, concentrate less on the starfish and more on the girl"
you can lead a horse to water but you can't get it to drink, as they say...